Why You SUCK: Track by track tutorials by AleMastroianni, one of the top 30 players in the world (and the best video editor)!
Preamble: Why you SUCK at Crash Team Racing (general mechanics explained)
Part 1: Why you SUCK at Crash Cove
CTR Reborn’s Driving Guide: a guide to explain all the advanced concepts of the game
Crash Team Racing Prove A Tempo: Video Tutorial Series (in Italian!):
First Playlist: CTR Tecniche (CTR Techniques):
2nd Playlist: CTR Piste (CTR Tracks):
Bonus: Saffi Fire in Numbers (Feu Saffi en Chiffres): Video Explanation by BlitzProg (in French) of the numbers behind the Saffi technique:
Bonus: Speed and Turbos in Detail (Vitesse et Turbos en Détail): also by BlitzProg, another video about the numbers behind CTR for the mathematically oriented, this time about sacred fire, USF, and reserves: